Wednesday, April 20, 2022

OFET(Also you can know how to use pentacene and poole frenkel mobility here)

 go atlas

mesh space.mult=1

x.m l=0 s=0.5

x.m l=10 s=0.5

x.m l=15 s=0.5

x.m l=20 s=0.5

x.m l=30 s=0.5

y.m l=-0.03 s=0.01

y.m l=0 s=0.005

y.m l=0.015 s=0.003

y.m l=0.03 s=0.005

y.m l=0.0325 s=0.001

y.m l=0.0357 s=0.001

y.m l=0.0557 s=0.0025

region num=1 material=Pentacene x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=-0.03 y.max=0.03 acceptor=7e17

region num=2 material=Al2O3 x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0.03 y.max=0.0357

electrode num=1 name=source x.max=10 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.03 material=Gold

electrode num=2 name=gate x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0.0357 y.max=0.0557 material=Aluminium

electrode num=3 name=drain x.min=20 y.min=0.00 y.max=0.03 material=Gold

material material=Pentacene eg300=2.8 nc300=1e21 nv300=1e21 permittivity=4.0

material material=Al2O3 permittivity=4.5


mobility region=1 deltaep.pfmob=0.0179 betap.pfmob=7.75e-5 mun=5e-5 mup=0.85


models conmob srh fermi print

models region=1 pfmob.p


method newton autonr trap


contact name=gate workfun=4.6

contact name=source workfun=5.1

contact name=drain workfun=5.1


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain=2.5

log outf=abc0.log

solve vgate=-20 name=gate vstep=1 vfinal=20

tonyplot abc0.log

output band.param

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str

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telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)

 sorry for older one this is new one