Saturday, November 20, 2021

TFET(Basic structure)

 silvaco code:-

go atlas

mesh space.mult=0.01


x.mesh loc=0 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.01 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.03 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.039 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.040 spac=.005


y.mesh loc=0 spac=.00005

y.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.003 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.013 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.015 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.016 spac=.00005

# region

region num=1 material=air x.min=0 y.min=0

region num=2 material=silicon x.min=0.001 x.max=.01 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

region num=4 material=silicon x.min=.03 x.max=.039 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

region num=5 material=HfO2 x.min=0.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.001 y.max=.003

region num=6 material=HfO2 x.min=0.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.013 y.max=.015


qtx.mesh loc=0.002 spac=0.001

qtx.mesh loc=0.01 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.024 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.03 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.035 spac=0.001

qty.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.0022 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.003 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.008 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.012 spac=0.005


electrode name=gate x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=0 y.max=.001 mat=aluminium

electrode name=gate2 x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.015 y.max=.016 mat=aluminium

electrode name=drain x.min=0 x.max=0.001 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013

electrode name=source x.min=.039 x.max=.04 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013


MATERIAL MATERIAL=silicon me.tunnel=.44 mh.tunnel=.52 NC300=1e17 NV300=1e17

material material=hfo2 permittivity=22


doping uniform conc=1e20 reg=2

doping uniform conc=5e18 reg=4


contact name=gate workfun=4.5

contact name=gate2 workfun=4.5 common=gate

contact name=drain workfun=3.9

contact name=source workfun=5.93

save outf=tfet.str

tonyplot tfet.str


models bbt.nonlocal bbt.forward bgn srh auger conmob fldmob cvt print


output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction


method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain=0.0

solve vdrain=0.01

solve vdrain=0.02

solve vdrain=0.03

solve vdrain=0.04

solve vdrain=0.05

log outf=tfet.log

solve name=gate vgate=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=1.5

tonyplot tfet.log




  1. pls tell the extract command for Vth, On current, Off current, Point SS, Avg SS, and DIBL

    1. for Vt :
      extract name="vt" (xintercept(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),abs(i."drain")))) - abs(ave(v."drain"))/2.0)
      for SS:
      extract name="subvt" 1.0/slope(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),log10(abs(i."drain")))))
      for on/off current (that depend vgs starting and end value):
      extract name="ioff_n" y.val from curve (v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=0
      extract name="ion_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=1.0
      for A

  2. SS is point one which i give formula and avg SS is i think you have to calculate mannually

  3. Hello
    can you tell me how you calculated the me.tunnel parameter?
    How can I calculate me.tunnel for MoS2 ?

  4. me.tunnel is stand for effective tunneling mass of electron and it is constant parameter. For MoS2 you have to find using some research paper or related material .If i find something i will let you know

  5. i'm using InGaAs for the dual pockets with concentration as In0.53Ga0.47As and similarly how to define this in the code can anyone help.


telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)

 sorry for older one this is new one