Saturday, July 24, 2021


go atlas

mesh smooth=1 space.mult=1 width=100

x.m l=0 s=.1

x.m l=10 s=.05

x.m l=15 s=.1

x.m l=20 s=.05

x.m l=30 s=.1

y.m l=-.03 s=.005

y.m l=0 s=.001

y.m l=.015 s=.001

y.m l=.03 s=.001

y.m l=.0325 s=.01

y.m l=.0357 s=.01

y.m l=.0557 s=.01

region num=1 user.material=pentacene x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0 y.max=.03

region num=2 material=al2o3 y.min=.03 y.max=.0357

region num=3 material=air x.min=10 x.max=20 y.min=-.03 y.max=0

electrode num=1 name=source x.max=10 y.min=-.03 y.max=0 material=gold

electrode num=2 name=gate x.max=10 y.min=.0357 y.max=0.0557 material=aluminum

electrode num=3 name=drain x.min=20 y.min=-.03 y.max=0 material=gold

material material=pentacene eg300=2.8 nc300=1e21 nv300=1e21 permittivity=4.0 mun=5e-5 mup=.85

material material=al2o3 permittivity=4.5

contact name=source workfun=5.1

contact name=drain workfun=5.1

contact name=gate workfun=4.28

odfects fast dfile=don.dat afile=acc.dat nfa=2.5e18 ntd=1e10 wta=.129 wtd=.5 nga=0 ngd=0 ega=.62 egd=.78 wga=.15 wgd=.15 sigtae=1e-17 sigtah=1e-15 sigtde=1e-15 sigtdh=1e-17 siggae=2e-16 siggah=2e-15 siggda=2e-17 siggdh=2e-16

mobility deltaep.pfmob=1.799e-2 betap.pfmob=7.758e-5

model pfmob.p print

output band.param

save outfile=hagen.str

tonyplot hagen.str

solve init

method carriers=1 hole maxtrap=5

solve vdrain=0

solve vdrain=-.0326

solve vdrain=-.065

solve vdrain=-.1

solve vdrain=-.5

solve vdrain=-1

solve vdrain=-1.5

log outf=idvg.log

solve ac freq=1e6 vgate=0 vstep=.1 vfinal=3 name=gate

log off

tonyplot idvg.log


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dual source vertical TFET

Silvaco code:-

go atlas

mesh space.mult=1


x.mesh loc=0 spac=.05

x.mesh loc=.018 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.020 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.021 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.022 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.026 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.027 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.028 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.046 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.048 spac=.05


y.mesh loc=0 spac=.005

y.mesh loc=.005 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.053 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.055 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.065 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.070 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.075 spac=.005

region num=1 material=silicon x.min=0 y.min=0

region num=2 material=silicon x.min=0 x.max=.02 y.min=.005 y.max=.055

region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.028 x.max=.048 y.min=.005 y.max=.055

region num=4 material=silicon x.min=0 x.max=.048 y.min=.055 y.max=.065

region num=5 material=silicon x.min=0 x.max=.048 y.min=.065 y.max=.070

region num=6 material=hfo2 x.min=.020 x.max=.028 y.max=.055


qtx.mesh loc=.015 spac=.0005

qtx.mesh loc=.02 spac=.0005

qtx.mesh loc=.040 spac=.0005


qty.mesh loc=0 spac=.0005

qty.mesh loc=.005 spac=.00005

qty.mesh loc=.020 spac=.0005

qty.mesh loc=.06 spac=.0005


electrode name=gate x.min=.022 x.max=.026 y.min=0 y.max=.053

electrode name=source1 x.min=0 x.max=.02 y.min=0 y.max=.005

electrode name=source2 x.min=.028 x.max=.048 y.min=0 y.max=.005

electrode name=drain x.min=0 x.max=.048 y.min=.07 y.max=.075


doping uniform conc=1e20 p.type reg=2

doping uniform conc=1e20 p.type reg=3

doping uniform conc=1e19 n.type reg=5

doping uniform conc=1e17 n.type reg=4



model bbt.nonlocal srh conmob bgn CVT fermi ni.fermi qtunn.dir=ydir print


contact name=gate workfun=4.6

contact name=source1

contact name=source2 common=source1

contact name=drain



output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction ex.field ey.field e.mobility h.mobility qss e.temp h.temp j.disp


method newton autonr trap maxtrap=3


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain=0

solve vdrain=.025

solve vdrain=.05

solve vdrain=.1

solve vdrain=.5

solve vdrain=1.0

log outf=vdstfet.log master

solve ac freq=1e6 vgate=0 vstep=.05 name=gate vfinal=1

save outf=vdstfet.str

tonyplot vdstfet.str

tonyplot vdstfet.log



Thursday, July 15, 2021

TFET (HfO2 insulated dopingless field effect transistor with(metal implant) silvaco simulation)-1

why we need TFET?

TFET are attracting wide attention because of their low subthreshold swing and low OFF-state leakage current. Since the channel current is controlled by the tunneling mechanism on the source side, TFETs are more immune to short-channel effects (such as VT roll-off) unlike the conventional nanoscale MOSFETs . However, the low ON-state current in Si TFETs, due to poor band-to-band tunneling efficiency, is a major challenge to be overcome. This problem is being extensively studied using strain, hetero-structures, low bandgap materials, high-k gate insulators and nanowires. The other problem with the TFET is that in aggressively scaled devices, random variability in transistor performance due to random dopant fluctuations (RDF) can become significant. The effects of RDF, such as an unacceptably large increase in the OFF-state current, have recently been demonstrated in TFETs.

So now my code and parameter:-

first simulation parameter (i don't write simulation parameter you can extract from below figure)


go atlas

mesh space.mult=1


x.mesh loc=0 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.002 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.052 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.057 spac=.00005

x.mesh loc=.077 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.079 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.129 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.131 spac=.005


y.mesh loc=0 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.001 spac=.00005

y.mesh loc=.003 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.013 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.015 spac=.00005

y.mesh loc=.016 spac=.0005

# region

region num=1 material=air x.min=0 y.min=0

region num=2 material=silicon x.min=0.002 x.max=.052 y.min=.003 y.max=.013 ACCEPTORS=1e15

region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.052 x.max=.079 y.min=.003 y.max=.013 ACCEPTORS=1e15

region num=4 material=silicon x.min=.079 x.max=.129 y.min=.003 y.max=.013 ACCEPTORS=1e15

region num=5 material=HfO2 x.min=0.002 x.max=.129 y.min=.001 y.max=.003

region num=6 material=HfO2 x.min=0.002 x.max=.129 y.min=.013 y.max=.015

region num=7 material=AlN x.min=0.077 x.max=.079 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

qtx.mesh loc=0.04 spac=0.001

qtx.mesh loc=0.052 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.057 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.077 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.079 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.102 spac=0.001

qty.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.005

qty.mesh loc=0.002 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.003 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.008 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.012 spac=0.005


electrode name=gate x.min=.057 x.max=.077 y.min=0 y.max=.001

electrode name=gate2 x.min=.057 x.max=.077 y.min=.015 y.max=.016

electrode name=drain x.min=0.002 x.max=.052 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.001

electrode name=drain2 x.min=0 x.max=.002 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013 user.material=hafnium

electrode name=drain3 x.min=0.002 x.max=.052 y.min=0.015 y.max=0.016

electrode name=source x.min=.079 x.max=.129 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.001

electrode name=source2 x.min=.129 x.max=.131 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013 material=platinum

electrode name=source3 x.min=.079 x.max=.129 y.min=0.015 y.max=0.016


MATERIAL MATERIAL=silicon me.tunnel=.44 mh.tunnel=.52 NC300=1e15 NV300=1e15

material material=hfo2 permittivity=21

material material=platinum eg300=5.93

material material=hafnium EG300=3.9 user.default=SiO2


#doping uniform conc=1e17 p.type reg=4

#doping uniform conc=1e17 n.type reg=2


contact name=gate workfun=4.6

contact name=gate2 workfun=4.6 common=gate

contact name=drain2 workfun=3.9

contact name=source2 workfun=5.93


models bbt.nonlocal bbt.forward bgn srh auger conmob fldmob CVT print


output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction ex.field ey.field e.mobility h.mobility qss e.temp.h.temp j.disp


method newton autonr itlimit=10 trap maxtrap=10

tonyplot nw_hidl_eq.str


solve init

solve vdrain=0.0

solve vdrain=0.01

solve vdrain=0.02

solve vdrain=0.03

solve vdrain=0.04

solve vdrain=0.05

log outf=nw_hidl.log

solve freq=1e6 name=gate vgate=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=1

tonyplot nw_hidl.log

tonyplot nw_hidl_eq.str


Simulation Result:-

telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)

 sorry for older one this is new one