Friday, August 27, 2021

(updated) GFET(graphene field effect transistor)-1


go atlas

mesh space.mult=1

x.mesh loc=0 spac=.5

x.mesh loc=0.2 spac=.5

x.mesh loc=0.6 spac=.5

x.mesh loc=0.9 spac=.5

x.mesh loc=1.3 spac=.5

x.mesh loc=1.5 spac=.5


y.mesh loc=0 spac=.05

y.mesh loc=0.05 spac=.005

y.mesh loc=0.055 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=0.40 spac=.05

y.mesh loc=0.45 spac=.5

qtx.mesh loc=0.0 spac=0.5

qtx.mesh loc=1.5 spac=0.5

qty.mesh loc=0.01 spac=0.005

qty.mesh loc=0.05 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.055 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.1 spac=0.005

#here i have used polysilicon material having property of graphene

region num=1 material=polysilicon x.min=0 x.max=1.5 y.min=.05 y.max=.055

region num=2 material=silicon x.min=0 x.max=1.5 y.min=.4 y.max=.45

region num=3 material=SiO2 x.min=0 x.max=1.5 y.min=0 y.max=.05

region num=4 material=SiO2 x.min=0 x.max=1.5 y.min=.055 y.max=.4


electrode name=gate x.min=.6 x.max=.9 y.min=0 y.max=.05 mat=aluminium

electrode name=source x.min=0 x.max=.2 y.min=0 y.max=.05 mat=aluminium

electrode name=drain x.min=1.3 x.max=1.5 y.min=0 y.max=.05 mat=aluminium


doping uniform conc=1e15 p.type reg=2

doping uniform conc=1e20 n.type x.min=0 x.max=.3 y.min=.05 y.max=.1

doping uniform conc=1e20 n.type x.min=1.2 x.max=1.5 y.min=.05 y.max=.1

MATERIAL MATERIAL=silicon me.tunnel=.44 mh.tunnel=.52 NC300=1e15 NV300=1e15

material material=polysilicon EG300= 0.026 NC300=3e17 NV0300=3e17 nsrhn=0 taun=0 taup=0 nsrhp=0 ksrhtn=0 ksrhtp=0 mun=15000 mup=12000 PERMITTIVITY=25 \

tc.cons=0.12 vsat=1e8


contact name=gate workfun=4.6

contact name=drain

contact name=source


models bbt.nonlocal bbt.forward bgn arora srh conmob fldmob CVT print


output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction band.par


method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10


solve init

solve vdrain=0.2

log outf=gfet.log

save outf=gfet.str

solve freq=1e6 name=gate vgate=-4 vstep=+0.1 vfinal=4

tonyplot gfet.log

tonyplot gfet.str


Thursday, August 26, 2021

High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)-1


go atlas

mesh auto

#mesh space.mult=1


x.mesh loc=0 spac=.1

x.mesh loc=9 spac=.1


y.mesh loc=0.0 spac=.25

y.mesh loc=0.5 spac=0.001

y.mesh loc=.525 spac=0.01

y.mesh loc=.6 spac=.01

y.mesh loc=.7 spac=.5

y.mesh loc=2.0 spac=.5


region num=1 x.min=0 x.max=9 y.min=0.5 y.max=0.525 mat=AlGaN x.comp=0.3

region num=2 x.min=0 x.max=9 y.min=0.525 y.max=2 mat=GaN

region num=3 x.min=0 x.max=9 y.min=0 y.max=0.5 mat=nitride


electrode num=1 name=source x.min=8 x.max=9 y.min=0.525 y.max=0.6

electrode num=2 name=drain x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.525 y.max=0.6

electrode num=3 name=gate x.min=3.5 x.max=5.5 y.min=0 y.max=0.5

#material Properties-----------------------------------------------


models srh bgn cvt print

mobility albrct.n

models polarization calc.strain polar.scale=0.8

#output parameter----------------------------------------------------

output band.par charge polar.charge


contact name=gate workfun=5

contact name=source workfun=3.93

contact name=drain workfun=3.93


method newton trap maxtrap=10

log outfile=nw_des_i.log


solve init

solve vdrain=1.0

solve name=gate vstep=-0.1 vfinal=-10

tonyplot nw_des_i.log

save outf=nw_des.str

tonyplot nw_des.str



Tuesday, August 24, 2021

(updated)Solar cell with Quantum well -2


go atlas

mesh auto

x.mesh loc=0 s=10

x.mesh loc=400 s=10


y.mesh loc=0 s=10

y.mesh loc=0.5 s=.01

y.mesh loc=1.5 s=1

y.mesh loc=2 s=10


region num=1 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=0 y.max=0.5

region num=2 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.5 y.max=2

region num=3 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.5 y.max=.55

region num=4 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.55 y.max=.6

region num=5 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.6 y.max=.65

region num=6 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.65 y.max=.7

region num=7 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.7 y.max=.75

region num=8 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.75 y.max=.8

region num=9 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.8 y.max=.85

region num=10 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.85 y.max=.90

region num=11 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.90 y.max=.95

region num=12 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.95 y.max=1.0

region num=13 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.0 y.max=1.05

region num=14 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.05 y.max=1.1

region num=15 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.1 y.max=1.15

region num=16 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.15 y.max=1.2

region num=17 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.2 y.max=1.25

region num=18 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.25 y.max=1.3

region num=19 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.3 y.max=1.35

region num=20 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.35 y.max=1.4

region num=21 material=SiGe x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.4 y.max=1.45

region num=22 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.45 y.max=1.5



material material=Silicon EG300=1.1 NC300=2.8e19 NV300=1.04e19 PERMITTIVITY=11.8 MUN=1000 MUP=500 AFFINITY=4.07 sopra=Si111.nk



material material=SiGe EG300=0.78 NC300=1.92e19 NV300=8.2e19 PERMITTIVITY=11.8 MUN=1430 MUP=480 AFFINITY=4.17 \ sopra=C:/sedatools/lib/atlas/5.22.1.R/common/sopra/Sige_si.nk



models conmob fldmob consrh optr print temperature=300

#Light Beams--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

beam num=1 am1.5 x.origin=100.0 y.origin=-1 angle=90 wavel.start=0.21 wavel.end=4 wavel.num=50 power.file=C:/sedatools/examples/solar/solarex01.spec

method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10


solve init

solve b1=20


log outf=Is4.log


solve vanode=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=0.6 name=anode

save outf=us.str

tonyplot us.str

tonyplot Is4.log

Result :-


telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)

 sorry for older one this is new one