Thursday, September 30, 2021

Organic solar cell (with Nanoscale Layers and Films)

silvaco code:-

go atlas


mesh auto

x.mesh Loc=0 Spacing=1

x.mesh Loc=1 Spacing=1

y.mesh Loc=0 Spacing=0.1

y.mesh Loc=0.47 Spacing=0.1


region num=1 x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0 y.max=0.2 material=ITO

region num=2 x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.20 y.max=0.27 material=ZnO

region num=3 x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.27 y.max=0.37 user.material=P3HT

region num=4 x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.37 y.max=0.47 material=silver


electrode num=1 name=cathode x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0 y.max=0

electrode num=2 name=anode x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.47 y.max=0.47


Material name=P3HT Eg300=1.95 Nc300=2e21 Nv300=2e21 Permittivity=3 Affinity=3.2 Mun=1e-6 Mup=1.2e-3 \

taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-7 USER.GROUP=semiconductor USER.DEFAULT=silicon sopra=P3HT.nk

material material=ITO sopra=Ito2.nk

material material=silver sopra=Ag.nk


doping uniform conc=1E15 p.type reg=3

doping uniform conc=1E21 n.type reg=2


Contact name=cathode Workfun=4.3

Contact name=anode Workfun=4.7


save outf=p3ht.str

tonyplot p3ht.str

go atlas

mesh infile = p3ht.str


models conmob fldmob srh optr print

method newton trap maxtrap=10

output band.par e.mobility e.velocity

beam num=1 am1.5 x.o=.5 y.o=-1 angle=90 wavel.start=0.305 wavel.end=3.455 wavel.num=100 \



solve init

solve prev

solve b1=1

log outf=mie.log

solve name=anode vanode=0 vstep=0.01 vfinal=0.9

log off

tonyplot mie.log


extract init infile="mie.log"

extract name="IV" curve(v."Anode",i."Cathode") outfile="curveIV.dat"


extract name="Jsc" y.val from curve(v."Anode", i."Cathode") where x.val=0

extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."Anode", i."Cathode") where y.val=0

extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."Anode",(v."Anode"* i."Cathode")))

extract name="Vm" x.val from curve(v."Anode",(v."Anode"* i."Cathode")) \

where y.val=$"Pm"

extract name="Im" $"Pm"/$"Vm"

extract name="FF" $"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc")

tonyplot curveIV.dat



if you need p3ht  then i will write below and save it as P3HT.nk file


0.25024 1.55318 0.25475

0.33525 1.48282 0.33525

0.41156 1.23235 0.43828

0.50558 1.72542 0.50558

0.56804 2.24214 0.56354

0.59058 2.17122 0.59509

0.60829 2.1791 0.63083

0.75609 1.8425 0.87265

1.00241 1.75638 1.09192

1.25324 1.7333 1.42325

1.49505 1.71754 1.4268


  1. Replies
    1. because of some important reason I have to delete them but in near future i will upload all of them
      till that time you can use my blog which now I have cleaned from some ad stuff


telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)

 sorry for older one this is new one