sorry for older one this is new one
Silvaco TCAD Simplified
Monday, September 12, 2022
Sunday, August 28, 2022
MFIS finfet

Monday, August 22, 2022
InGaN solar cell
go atlas
set temp=400
set ptype=1e15
set ntype=5e19
set thp=0.3
set thn=0.3
mesh auto
x.m loc=0 spac=.1
x.m loc=1 spac=.1
y.m loc=0 spac=.2
y.m loc=0.2 spac=.1
y.m loc=0.2+$thp spac=.1
y.m loc=0.2+$thp+$thn spac=.1
region num=1 mat=air x.min=0 y.min=0
region num=2 mat=ITO x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0 y.max=0.2
region num=3 material=InGaN x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.2 y.max=0.2+$thp acceptor=$ptype
region num=4 material=InGaN x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.2+$thp y.max=0.2+$thp+$thn donor=$ntype
electrode num=1 name=anode x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0 y.max=0.2 mat=ITO
electrode num=2 name=cathode x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.2+$thp+$thn y.max=0.2+$thp+$thn material=InGaN
material material=air real.index=1 imag.index=0
material material=ITO eg300=3.5 affinity=2.3 permittivity=9 NC300=5e17 NV300=5e17 MUN=30 MUP=5 sopra=Ito2.nk taun0=1e-9 taup0=1e-9
material mat=InGaN EG300=1.39 PERMITTIVITY=12.8 AFFINITY=5.4 MUN0=1250 MUP0=650 NC300=5e17 NV300=5e17 taup0=1e-9 taun0=1e-9
beam num=1 am1.5g x.origin=0.0 y.origin=-2.0 angle=90.0 tr.mat
contact name=anode SURF.REC VSURFN=1e3 VSURFP=1e3
contact name=cathode SURF.REC VSURFN=1e3 VSURFP=1e3
models srh fermi ni.fermi auger optr print
method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10 itlimit=40
solve init
solve b1=0.001
solve b1=0.01
solve b1=0.1
solve b1=1
log outf=cd.log
solve lambda=0.3 wstep=0.01 wfinal=1.1
log off
extract init infile="cd.log"
extract name="EQE2" curve(elect."optical wavelength",-(i."anode")/elect."source photo current"*) outf="EQE01_1.dat"
tonyplot cd.dat
Sunday, August 21, 2022
go devedit simflags="-3d"
work.area x1=-0.0135 y1=-0.0135 x2=0.0235 y2=0.045
region reg=1 mat=Silicon color=0xffcc00 pattern=0x4 z1=0.01 z2=0.09 \
polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"
constr.mesh region=1 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
region reg=2 name=gate mat=Polysilicon work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \
polygon="-0.0135,0.015 -0.01,0.015 -0.01,-0.01 0.02,-0.01 0.02,0.015 0.0235,0.015 0.0235,-0.0135 -0.0135,-0.0135 -0.0135,0.015"
constr.mesh region=2 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
region reg=3 mat="Silicon Oxide" color=0xff pattern=0x2 z1=0.01 z2=0.09 \
polygon="0.013,0.015 0.01,0.015 0.01,0 0,0 0,0.015 -0.003,0.015 -0.003,-0.003 0.013,-0.003"
constr.mesh region=3 default max.height=0.001 max.width=0.001
region reg=4 name=ferric mat=HfO2 work.func=0 color=0xffff00 pattern=0x5 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \
polygon="0.0165,-0.0065 -0.0065,-0.0065 -0.0065,0.015 -0.01,0.015 -0.01,-0.01 0.02,-0.01 0.02,0.015 0.0165,0.015"
constr.mesh region=4 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
region reg=5 mat="Silicon Oxide" color=0xff pattern=0x2 z1=0 z2=0.1 \
polygon="-0.0135,0.015 -0.003,0.015 0,0.015 0.01,0.015 0.013,0.015 0.0235,0.015 0.0235,0.045 -0.0135,0.045"
constr.mesh region=5 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
region reg=6 name=drain mat=Aluminum work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0 z2=0.01 \
polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"
constr.mesh region=6 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
region reg=7 name=source mat=Aluminum work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0.09 z2=0.1 \
polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"
constr.mesh region=7 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
region reg=8 material=Polysilicon work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x5 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \
polygon="0.013,-0.003 -0.003,-0.003 -0.003,0.015 -0.0065,0.015 -0.0065,-0.0065 0.0165,-0.0065 0.0165,0.015 0.013,0.015"
constr.mesh region=8 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
# Set Meshing Parameters
base.mesh height=0.01 width=0.005
bound.cond !apply max.slope=28 max.ratio=300 rnd.unit=0.0001 line.straightening=1 align.points when=automatic
imp.refine min.spacing=0.02 z=0
constr.mesh max.angle=90 max.ratio=300 max.height=10000 \
max.width=10000 min.height=0.0001 min.width=0.0001
constr.mesh type=Semiconductor default
constr.mesh type=Insulator default
constr.mesh type=Metal default
constr.mesh type=Other default
constr.mesh region=1 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
constr.mesh region=2 default max.height=0.001 max.width=0.001
constr.mesh region=3 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
constr.mesh region=4 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
constr.mesh region=5 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
constr.mesh region=6 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02
Mesh Mode=MeshBuild
z.plane z=0 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.005 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.01 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.012 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0167 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0233 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0267 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.030 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0315 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.033 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.035 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.041 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.047 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.053 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.059 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.065 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.067 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0685 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.070 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0733 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0767 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0833 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.088 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.090 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.095 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.100 spacing=0.1
z.plane max.spacing=1000000 max.ratio=1.5
structure outf=ncfinfet_0.str
go atlas
electrode name=bulk bottom
doping num=1 n.type uniform conc=1e18 reg=6
doping num=2 n.type uniform conc=1e18 reg=7
material material=Silicon eg300=1.1245 affinity=4.05 permitti=11.9
material material=HFO2 ferro.eps=10.0
material material=Oxide eg300=8.05 affinity=1.00 permittivity=3.9 nc300=2.8e19 nv300=1.04e19
contact name=gate workf=5.1
model fermi bqp.n srh ferro hcte.el evsatmod=0 fldmob print
method newton dvlimit=1.0 maxtrap=6
solve init
solve vdrain=0.01
solve vdrain=0.05
solve vdrain=0.1
log outf=ncfinfet.log
solve vgate=0.0 name=gate vstep=0.1 vfinal=1.0
log off
output p.quantum band.temp band.par
save outf=ncfinfet_1.str master
tonyplot ncfinfet.log
tonyplot3d ncfinfet_1.str -set ncfinfet_0.set
tonyplot3d ncfinfet_1.str -set ncfinfet_1.set
extract name="subvt" 1.0/slope(maxslope(curve(v."gate",log10(abs(i."drain")))))
extract name="Ioff_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=0
extract name="Ion_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=1
Sunday, July 24, 2022
go atlas
set mat=sio2
set vdrain=1.0
mesh space.mult=1.0
x.m l=0.00 s=0.5
x.m l=0.07 s=0.001
x.m l=0.075 s=0.0005
x.m l=0.1 s=0.0005
x.m l=0.11 s=0.001
x.m l=0.175 s=0.5
y.m l= 0.0 s=.005
y.m l= 0.001 s=0.001
y.m l= 0.0025 s=0.0005
y.m l= 0.0125 s=0.0005
y.m l= 0.014 s=0.001
y.m l= 0.015 s=.005
region num=1 x.min=0 y.min =0 mat= air
region num=2 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.075 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125 mat = silicon
region num=3 x.min=0.075 x.max=0.1 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125 mat = silicon
region num=4 x.min=0.1 x.max=0.175 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125 mat = silicon
region num=5 x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min= 0.001 y.max=0.0025 mat = $mat
region num=6 x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min= 0.0125 y.max=0.014 mat = $mat
electrode num=1 name= source x.min = 0 x.max=0 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125
electrode num=2 name= drain x.min=0.175 x.max=0.175 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125
electrode num=3 name=gate x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.001
electrode num=4 name=gate2 x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min= 0.014 y.max=0.015
doping uniform conc =1E20 n.type region = 2
doping uniform conc =1E17 n.type region = 4
doping uniform conc =1E14 p.type region = 3
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
material material = silicon
model conmob srh fldmob bgn fermi print
method newton trap maxtrap=5
contact name=gate workfun=4.8
contact name=gate2 workfun=4.8 common = gate
contact name=source
contact name=drain
solve init
solve prev
solve vdrain = 0.1
solve vdrain = 0.2
solve vdrain = 0.3
solve vdrain = 0.6
solve vdrain = 1.0
solve vdrain = $vdrain
log outf=dgft.log
solve vgate=0 vstep=0.02 vfinal=2 name=gate
output band.param e.mobility ex.velocity ey.velocity e.velocity
tonyplot dgft.log
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Textured solar cell (Spectral response)
go athena
line x loc=0.00 spac=0.1
line x loc=0.25 spac=0.1
line x loc=0.50 spac=0.1
line x loc=0.75 spac=0.1
line x loc=1.0 spac=0.1
line x loc=1.25 spac=0.1
line x loc=1.5 spac=0.1
line x loc=1.75 spac=0.1
line x loc=2.0 spac=0.1
line x loc=2.125 spac=0.1
line y loc=0.00 spac=0.1
line y loc=4.00 spac=0.1
line y loc=8.00 spac=0.1
line y loc=12.00 spac=0.5
line y loc=20.00 spac=2.0
line y loc=24.00 spac=2.0
# doped with phosphorous
init silicon c.phosphor=1.0e15 two.d orientation=100
#ecthing process
etch silicon start x=0 y=0
etch cont x=0.25 y=0
etch cont x=0.5 y=4
etch cont x=0.75 y=4
etch cont x=1 y=0
etch cont x=1.25 y=0
etch cont x=1.5 y=4
etch cont x=1.75 y=4
etch done x=2.0 y=0
struct mirror right
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
go atlas
mesh infile=abc.str
electrode num=1 name=anode x.min=0.0 x.max=.25 top mat=silver
electrode num=2 name=anode x.min=1 x.max=1.25 top mat=silver
electrode num=3 name=anode x.min=2 x.max=2.25 top mat=silver
electrode num=4 name=anode x.min=3 x.max=3.25 top mat=silver
electrode num=5 name=anode x.min=4 x.max=4.25 top mat=silver
electrode num=6 name=cathode y.min=24 y.max=24 mat=silver
material material=silicon mun0=1000 mup0=500 eg300=2.0 taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-6 sopra=Si100_2.nk
beam num=1 am1.5g x.origin=0 y.origin=-1.0 angle=90 wavel.start=0.4 wavel.end=1 wavel.num=100
mat taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-6
models conmob fldmob srh auger print
method newton autonr trap
contact name=anode workfun=5.1
contact name=cathode
solve init
solve b1=0.001
solve b1=0.01
solve b1=0.1
solve b1=1
log outf=iv.log
solve b1=1 lambda=0.3 wstep=0.01 wfinal=1.0
log off
tonyplot iv.log
extract init infile="iv.log"
extract name="EQE2" curve(elect."optical wavelength",-(i."anode")/elect."source photo current"*elect."Absorption") outf="EQE01_1.dat"
tonyplot EQE01_1.dat
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
OFET(Also you can know how to use pentacene and poole frenkel mobility here)
go atlas
mesh space.mult=1
x.m l=0 s=0.5
x.m l=10 s=0.5
x.m l=15 s=0.5
x.m l=20 s=0.5
x.m l=30 s=0.5
y.m l=-0.03 s=0.01
y.m l=0 s=0.005
y.m l=0.015 s=0.003
y.m l=0.03 s=0.005
y.m l=0.0325 s=0.001
y.m l=0.0357 s=0.001
y.m l=0.0557 s=0.0025
region num=1 material=Pentacene x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=-0.03 y.max=0.03 acceptor=7e17
region num=2 material=Al2O3 x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0.03 y.max=0.0357
electrode num=1 name=source x.max=10 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.03 material=Gold
electrode num=2 name=gate x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0.0357 y.max=0.0557 material=Aluminium
electrode num=3 name=drain x.min=20 y.min=0.00 y.max=0.03 material=Gold
material material=Pentacene eg300=2.8 nc300=1e21 nv300=1e21 permittivity=4.0
material material=Al2O3 permittivity=4.5
mobility region=1 deltaep.pfmob=0.0179 betap.pfmob=7.75e-5 mun=5e-5 mup=0.85
models conmob srh fermi print
models region=1 pfmob.p
method newton autonr trap
contact name=gate workfun=4.6
contact name=source workfun=5.1
contact name=drain workfun=5.1
solve init
solve prev
solve vdrain=2.5
log outf=abc0.log
solve vgate=-20 name=gate vstep=1 vfinal=20
tonyplot abc0.log
output band.param
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Tunnel field effect transistor -VTFET
go atlas
mesh auto
x.mesh loc=0 spac=0.1
x.mesh loc=.002 spac=.001
x.mesh loc=.004 spac=.001
x.mesh loc=.005 spac=.005
x.mesh loc=.007 spac=.0001
x.mesh loc=.017 spac=.0001
x.mesh loc=.019 spac=.005
x.mesh loc=.020 spac=.001
x.mesh loc=.022 spac=.001
x.mesh loc=.024 spac=0.1
y.mesh loc=0 spac=.005
y.mesh loc=.010 spac=.001
y.mesh loc=.018 spac=.001
y.mesh loc=.022 spac=.001
y.mesh loc=.040 spac=.0001
y.mesh loc=.042 spac=.0001
y.mesh loc=.060 spac=.0005
y.mesh loc=.061 spac=.0005
y.mesh loc=.079 spac=.005
region num=1 material=air x.min=0 y.min=0
region num=2 material=silicon x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=.001 y.max=.021
region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=.021 y.max=.041
region num=4 material=silicon x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=.041 y.max=.061
region num=5 material=silicon x.min=0 x.max=.024 y.min=.061 y.max=.081
region num=6 material=hfo2 x.min=0.005 x.max=.007 y.min=.021 y.max=.041
region num=7 material=hfo2 x.min=0.017 x.max=.019 y.min=.021 y.max=.041
qtx.mesh loc=0.005 spac=0.01
qtx.mesh loc=0.020 spac=0.001
qtx.mesh loc=0.019 spac=0.001
qtx.mesh loc=0.022 spac=0.01
qty.mesh loc=0.002 spac=0.005
qty.mesh loc=0.003 spac=0.0005
qty.mesh loc=0.045 spac=0.0005
qty.mesh loc=0.055 spac=0.0005
electrode name=gate x.min=.003 x.max=.005 y.min=.021 y.max=.041
electrode name=gate2 x.min=.019 x.max=.021 y.min=.021 y.max=.041
electrode name=source x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=0 y.max=0.001
electrode name=drain x.min=0 x.max=.007 y.min=0.059 y.max=0.061
electrode name=drain2 x.min=.017 x.max=.024 y.min=0.059 y.max=0.061
material material=silicon me.tunnel=.24 mh.tunnel=.20
doping uniform p.type conc=2e19 reg=2
doping uniform p.type conc=5e16 reg=3
doping uniform n.type conc=5e18 reg=4
models bbt.nonlocal qtunn.dir=0 bgn srh ni.fermi conmob cvt print temp=300
contact name=gate workfun=4.2
contact name=gate2 workfun=4.2 common=gate
contact name=source
contact name=drain
contact name=drain2 common=drain
save outf= abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10
solve init
solve prev
solve vdrain=0.1
solve vdrain=0.5
solve vgate=-.3
solve vgate=-.2
log outf=tfet.log
solve name=gate vgate=-0.2 vstep=0.05 vfinal=2.0
tonyplot tfet.log
output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction
save outf= abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Amorphous solar cell
go atlas
mesh auto
x.mesh loc=0.0 spacing=0.1
x.mesh loc=1.0 spacing=0.1
region material=Silicon bot ny=50 thick=0.5
elec num=1 name=anode y.max=0.05 material=ITO
elec num=2 name=cathode y.min=0.45 y.max=0.5 material=Ito
doping uniform conc=1e12 n.type
doping gaus peak=0.05 char=0.01 conc=1e16 p.type dir=y
doping gaus peak=0.45 char=0.01 conc=1e16 n.type dir=y
material mat=Silicon mun=20 mup=1.5 nc300=2.5e18 nv300=1.9e19 eg300=1.9
defects mat=silicon nta=1.e19 ntd=1.e19 wta=0.033 wtd=0.049 \
nga=1.5e15 ngd=1.5e15 ega=0.62 egd=0.78 wga=0.15 wgd=0.15 \
sigtae=1.e-16 sigtah=1.e-15 sigtde=1.e-15 sigtdh=1.e-16 \
siggae=2.e-16 siggah=2.e-15 siggde=2.e-15 siggdh=2.e-16 \
material mat=ITO sopra=Ito2.nk
models srh auger fermi ni.fermi conmob print
method newton trap
beam num=1 am1.5g x.o=0 y.o=-1.0 angle=90 tr.mat
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
solve init
solve b1=1.0
log outf=abc.log
solve vanode=0.0 name=anode vstep=0.01 vfinal=1.2
tonyplot abc.log
extract init infile="abc.log"
extract name="Jsc" max(curve(v."anode", i."cathode")) outf="I.log"
extract name="JscmAcm2" $Jsc*1e08*1e03 outf="J.dat"
extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."anode",i."cathode") where y.val=0.0 outf="V.dat"
extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."anode", (v."anode" *i."cathode"*(-1))))
extract name="FF" ($"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc"))*100
extract name="Opt_int" max(beam."1")
extract name="Eff" (1e8*$Pm/$Opt_int)*100 outf="E.dat"
pervoskite solar cell
All the contents are free
silvaco code:-
go atlas
mesh space.mult=1
x.m l=0.0 s=.05
x.m l=1.0 s=.05
y.m l=0 s=0.01
y.m l=0.135 s=.01
y.m l=0.455 s=.02
y.m l=0.525 s=.02
y.m l=0.550 s=.1
region num=1 mat=air x.min=0 y.min=0
region num=2 mat=ITO x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0 y.max=0.055
region num=3 user.material=NiO x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0.055 y.max=0.135
region num=4 user.material=pervoskite x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=.135 y.max=.455
region num=5 material=ZnO x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=.455 y.max=0.525
elec num=1 name=anode x.min=0.0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0 y.max=0.055 mat=ITO
elec num=2 name=cathode x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0.525 y.max=0.550 mat=aluminium
doping uniform p.type conc=2e16 reg=2
doping uniform p.type conc=5.6e16 reg=3
doping uniform n.type conc=1e15 reg=4
doping uniform n.type conc=1e16 reg=5
material material=air real.index=1.0 imag.index=0
material material=ITO eg300=3.5 affinity=2.3 permittivity=9 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=30 MUP=5 sopra=Ito2.nk taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7
material material=NiO eg300=3.5 affinity=2.2 permittivity=9 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=4.7 MUP=4.7 \ user.default=sio2 sopra=Tio2b.nk taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7
material name=pervoskite eg300=1.55 affinity=3.93 permittivity=10.0 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=2 MUP=2 sopra=pervoskite.nk taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7 \ user.default=GaN
material material=ZnO eg300=3.2 affinity=4 permittivity=8.5 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=100 MUP=30 sopra=ito2.nk \
taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7
save outf= struc.str
tonyplot struc.str
beam num=1 am1.5g x.o=0 y.o=-1 angle=90
models srh fermi ni.fermi optr auger bgn print
method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10
output band.par e.mobility e.velocity
contact name=anode workf=5.75
contact name=cathode reflect=0.5 workf=4.7
solve init
solve prev
solve b1=1
log outf=illumination.log
solve name=anode vanode=0 vstep=0.01 vfinal=0.6
log off
tonyplot illumination.log
extract init infile="illumination.log"
extract name="Jsc" max(curve(v."anode", i."cathode")) outf="I.log"
extract name="JscmAcm2" $Jsc*1e08*1e03 outf="J.dat"
extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."anode",i."cathode") where y.val=0.0 outf="V.dat"
extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."anode", (v."anode" *i."cathode"*(-1))))
extract name="FF" ($"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc"))*100
extract name="Opt_int" max(beam."1")
extract name="Eff" (1e8*$Pm/$Opt_int)*100 outf="E.dat"
extract name="Power" curve(v."anode", (v."anode" * i."anode" *(-1))) outf="P.dat"
Sunday, January 23, 2022
heterojunction bipolar transistor
go atlas
mesh space.mult=1.0
x.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.25
x.mesh loc=2.00 spac=0.25
x.mesh loc=3.00 spac=0.2
x.mesh loc=4.00 spac=0.2
y.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.03
y.mesh loc=0.15 spac=0.005
y.mesh loc=0.20 spac=0.015
y.mesh loc=0.25 spac=0.01
y.mesh loc=0.50 spac=0.05
y.mesh loc=0.75 spac=0.01
y.mesh loc=0.90 spac=0.03
region num=1 material=GaAs y.min=0.75
region num=2 material=GaAs y.min=0.25 y.max=0.75
region num=3 material=AlGaAs y.max=0.0 x.comp=0.3 \
region num=4 material=GaAs y.min=0.15 y.max=0.25
region num=5 material=SiO2 y.max=0.15 x.max=3.0
elec num=1 name=emitter x.min=3.0 x.max=4.0 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0
elec num=2 name=base x.min=0.0 x.max=2.0 y.min=0.15 y.max=0.15
elec num=3 name=collector bot
doping uniform region=1 n.type conc=2.e17
doping uniform region=2 n.type conc=5.e16
doping uniform region=3 n.type conc=2.e17
doping uniform region=4 p.type conc=2.e18
material taun0=1.e-9 taup0=1.e-9
material material=AlGaAs mun=2200 mup=350
model srh fldmob print optr
model material=GaAs conmob evsatmod=1
solve init
save outf=hbt.str
tonyplot hbt.str
method gummel newton trap
solve local vcollector=2.0
log outf=hbt.log
solve vbase=0.025
solve vbase=0.1
method newton autonr trap itlim=50
solve vbase=0.2 vstep=0.1 name=base vfinal=1.4
solve vbase=1.45 vstep=0.025 name=base vfinal=1.5
tonyplot hbt.log
Thursday, January 13, 2022
PIN photodiode
go atlas
mesh space.mult=4.0
x.mesh loc=0.0 spacing=0.25
x.mesh loc=10.0 spacing=0.25
y.mesh loc=0.0 spacing=0.05
y.mesh loc=5.0 spacing=0.2
y.mesh loc=10.0 spacing=0.05
region num=1 material=Silicon
elec num=1 name=anode x.min=0.0 x.max=10.0 y.max=0.0
elec num=2 name=cathode bottom
doping uniform conc=1e14 n.type
doping gaus peak=0.0 char=0.1 conc=1e18 p.type dir=y
doping gaus peak=10.0 char=0.1 conc=1e18 n.type dir=y
material taup0=2.e-6 taun0=2.e-6
models srh auger conmob fldmob
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
beam num=1 x.origin=5.0 y.origin=-1.0 angle=90.0 wavelength=.1
method newton trap
solve init
solve vcathode=0.2
log outf=abc.log master
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.1
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.2
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.3
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.4
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.5
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.6
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.7
solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.8
tonyplot abc.log
Friday, December 31, 2021
single-active-layer TFT
silvaco code:-
go atlas
mesh width=100 outf=tft_IGZO.str
x.m l=0 s=1
x.m l=4 s=0.1
x.m l=26 s=0.1
x.m l=30 s=1
y.m l=0 s=0.002
y.m l=0.03 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.13 s=0.010
region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0.000 y.max=0.030
region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.030 y.max=0.130
elec num=1 name=gate bottom
elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5
elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=25 x.max=30
contact num=1 p.poly
contact num=2 workf=4.16
contact num=3 workf=4.16
material region=1 eg300=3.20 mun=15 affinity=4.16 permit=10 nc300=5e18 nv300=3e19
models fermi print
defects nta=1.21e20 ntd=1.55e20 wta=0.030 wtd=0.110 \
ngd=1e16 egd=2.95 wgd=0.1 \
nga=3.2e17 ega=2.0 wga=0.1 \
dfile=IGZO_bulk_don.dat afile=IGZO_bulk_acc.dat continuous numa=200 numd=200
intdefects intnumber=1/2 nta=0 ntd=0 wta=0 wtd=0 \
ngd=6.0e11 egd=2.95 wgd=0.1 nga=0 ega=0 wga=0 \
dfile=IGZO_int_don.dat afile=IGZO_int_acc.dat continuous numa=200 numd=200
probe name=my_fermi_front x=15 y=0.0298 QFN
probe name=my_con_front x=15 y=0.0298 CON.BAND
probe name=my_con_back x=15 y=0.0 CON.BAND
solve init
save outf=tftIGZO_init.str
solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.1 vfinal=0.5 name=drain
save outf=tftIGZO_D05V.str
tonyplot tftIGZO_D05V.str
log outf=tftIGZO_neg.log
solve vgate=0 vstep=-0.1 vfinal=-5 name=gate
solve vstep=-0.2 vfinal=-10 name=gate
tonyplot tftIGZO_neg.log
save outf=tftIGZO_negG10V.str
log off
load inf=tftIGZO_D05V.str master
solve prev
log outf=tftIGZO_pos.log
solve vstep=0.1 vfinal=5 name=gate
solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=20 name=gate
tonyplot tftIGZO_neg.log
log off
go atlas
mesh width=100 outf=tft_BIO.str
x.m l=0 s=1
x.m l=4 s=0.1
x.m l=26 s=0.1
x.m l=30 s=1
y.m l=0 s=0.01
y.m l=0.05 s=0.01
y.m l=0.15 s=0.50
region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0 y.max=0.05
region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.05 y.max=0.15
elec num=1 name=gate bottom
elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5
elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=25 x.max=30
contact num=1 p.poly
contact num=2 workf=4.16
contact num=3 workf=4.16
material material=igzo eg300=3.2 mun=12
models fermi print
defects nta=4e20 ntd=1.55e20 wta=0.057 wtd=0.110 \
ngd=4e18 egd=3.00 wgd=0.14 \
nga=5.57e18 ega=2.0 wga=0.14 \
sigtae=1e-15 sigtah=1e-15 sigtde=1e-15 sigtdh=1e-15 \
siggae=1e-15 siggah=1e-15 siggde=1e-15 siggdh=1e-15 \
dfile=BIO_don.dat afile=BIO_acc.dat continuous numa=200 numd=200
solve init
solve vdrain=0.1
save outf=tft_BIO_D01V.str
tonyplot tft_BIO_D01V.str
log outf=tft_BIO_neg.log
solve vgate=0 vstep=-.5 vfinal=-10 name=gate
log off
load inf=tft_BIO_D01V.str master
solve prev
log outf=tft_BIO_pos.log
solve vstep=1 vfinal=30 name=gate
log off
tonyplot tft_BIO_neg.log -overlay tft_BIO_pos.log
Monday, December 20, 2021
high-k gate dielectric MISFET
silvaco tcad:
go atlas
mesh auto
x.m l=0.00 s=0.1
x.m l=0.8 s=0.05
x.m l=1.3 s=0.1
x.m l=1.8 s=0.05
x.m l=2.6 s=0.1
y.m l=-0.004888 s=0.001
y.m l=0.0 s=0.001
y.m l=0.1 s=0.025
y.m l=1 s=0.2
region num=1 y.min=0 y.max=1 silicon
region num=2 y.max=0 material=HfO2
electrode name=gate x.min=0.6 x.max=2.0 y.max=-0.004888
electrode name=source x.max=0.5 y.min=0 y.max=0
electrode name=drain x.min=2.1 y.min=0 y.max=0
electrode substrate
doping uniform conc=4e15 p.type
doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 char=0.075 lat.char=0.05 reg=1 x.r=0.6
doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 char=0.075 lat.char=0.05 reg=1 x.l=2
contact name=gate aluminum
mobility rps.n rps.p mun0=5000
method newton trap carriers=2
solve init
solve vdrain=0.1
save outf=high.str
probe name=Eperp x=1.3 y=0.0001 dir=90 field
probe name=charge x.min=1.1 x.max=1.5 n.conc integrate y.min=0 y.max=0.2
log outf=highk.log
solve vstep=0.01 name=gate vfinal=2.0
tonyplot highk.log
tonyplot high.str
DGMOSFET(double gate MOSFET)
go atlas
mesh space.mult=1.0
x.m l=0.00 s=0.05
x.m l=0.001 s=0.001
x.m l=0.003 s=0.0005
x.m l=0.013 s=0.0005
x.m l=0.015 s=0.001
x.m l=0.016 s=0.05
y.m l= 0.0 s=.005
y.m l= 0.001 s=0.0005
y.m l= 0.003 s=0.00005
y.m l= 0.007 s=0.00005
y.m l= 0.009 s=0.0005
y.m l= 0.010 s=.005
region num=1 x.min=0 y.min =0 mat= air
region num=2 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.003 y.min= 0.003 y.max=0.007 mat = silicon
region num=3 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.003 y.max=0.007 mat = silicon
region num=4 x.min=0.013 x.max=0.016 y.min= 0.003 y.max=0.007 mat = silicon
region num=5 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.001 y.max=0.003 mat = sio2
region num=6 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.007 y.max=0.009 mat = sio2
electrode num=1 name= source x.min = 0 x.max=0 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.007
electrode num=2 name= drain x.min = 0.013 x.max=0.013 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.007
electrode num=3 name=gate x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.001
electrode num=4 name=gate2 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.009 y.max=0.010
doping uniform conc =2E20 n.type region = 2
doping uniform conc =2E20 n.type region = 4
doping uniform conc =1E18 p.type region = 3
#material material = sio2
material material = silicon EG300=1.08 NC300=2.8e19 NV300=1.04e19 PERMITTIVITY=11.8 MUN=2360 AFFINITY=4.284
model conmob srh fldmob bgn fermi print
method newton trap maxtrap=5
contact name = gate workfun = 4.6
contact name = gate2 workfun = 4.6 common = gate
contact name = source
contact name = drain
solve init
solve prev
solve vgate = 0.1
solve vgate = 0.2
solve vgate = 0.3
solve vgate = 0.6
solve vgate = 0.8
log outf = dgft.log
solve vdrain = 0 vstep = 0.01 vfinal = 0.7 name = drain
output band.param e.mobility ex.velocity ey.velocity e.velocity
tonyplot dgft.log
save outf=abc.str
tonyplot abc.str
Saturday, November 20, 2021
TFET(Basic structure)
silvaco code:-
go atlas
mesh space.mult=0.01
x.mesh loc=0 spac=.005
x.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005
x.mesh loc=.01 spac=.005
x.mesh loc=.03 spac=.005
x.mesh loc=.039 spac=.0005
x.mesh loc=.040 spac=.005
y.mesh loc=0 spac=.00005
y.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005
y.mesh loc=.003 spac=.0005
y.mesh loc=.013 spac=.0005
y.mesh loc=.015 spac=.0005
y.mesh loc=.016 spac=.00005
# region
region num=1 material=air x.min=0 y.min=0
region num=2 material=silicon x.min=0.001 x.max=.01 y.min=.003 y.max=.013
region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.003 y.max=.013
region num=4 material=silicon x.min=.03 x.max=.039 y.min=.003 y.max=.013
region num=5 material=HfO2 x.min=0.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.001 y.max=.003
region num=6 material=HfO2 x.min=0.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.013 y.max=.015
qtx.mesh loc=0.002 spac=0.001
qtx.mesh loc=0.01 spac=0.0005
qtx.mesh loc=0.024 spac=0.0005
qtx.mesh loc=0.03 spac=0.0005
qtx.mesh loc=0.035 spac=0.001
qty.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.0005
qty.mesh loc=0.0022 spac=0.0005
qty.mesh loc=0.003 spac=0.0005
qty.mesh loc=0.008 spac=0.0005
qty.mesh loc=0.012 spac=0.005
electrode name=gate x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=0 y.max=.001 mat=aluminium
electrode name=gate2 x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.015 y.max=.016 mat=aluminium
electrode name=drain x.min=0 x.max=0.001 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013
electrode name=source x.min=.039 x.max=.04 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013
MATERIAL MATERIAL=silicon me.tunnel=.44 mh.tunnel=.52 NC300=1e17 NV300=1e17
material material=hfo2 permittivity=22
doping uniform conc=1e20 reg=2
doping uniform conc=5e18 reg=4
contact name=gate workfun=4.5
contact name=gate2 workfun=4.5 common=gate
contact name=drain workfun=3.9
contact name=source workfun=5.93
save outf=tfet.str
tonyplot tfet.str
models bbt.nonlocal bbt.forward bgn srh auger conmob fldmob cvt print
output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction
method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10
solve init
solve prev
solve vdrain=0.0
solve vdrain=0.01
solve vdrain=0.02
solve vdrain=0.03
solve vdrain=0.04
solve vdrain=0.05
log outf=tfet.log
solve name=gate vgate=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=1.5
tonyplot tfet.log
Thursday, October 21, 2021
(updated) quantum well solar cell (improved)
go atlas
mesh auto
x.mesh loc=0 s=1
x.mesh loc=400 s=1
y.mesh loc=0 s=.1
y.mesh loc=0.5 s=.1
y.mesh loc=1.5 s=.1
y.mesh loc=2.0 s=.1
y.mesh loc=2.3 s=.1
region num=1 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=0 y.max=0.5 acceptor=5e18
region num=2 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.5 y.max=1.5
region num=3 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.50 y.max=2.0 donor=5e18
region num=4 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=2.0 y.max=2.3 donor=5e18
electrode name=anode top
electrode name=cathode bottom
material material=Si EG300=1.1 PERMITTIVITY=11.8 AFFINITY=4.07 MUN=1000 MUP=500 NC300=2.8e19 taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-6 NV300=1.04e19 sopra=Si111.nk
doping n.type uniform region=4 resisti=0.05
save outf=usPIN.str
tonyplot usPIN.str
beam num=1 x.o=100 y.o=-2 angle=90 power.file=C:/sedatools/examples/solar/solarex01.spec
models conmob fermi optr consrh print
method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10
contact name=anode
contact name=cathode
solve init
solve prev
solve b1=1e-02
solve b1=1e-01
solve b1=1
log outf=IsPIN.log
solve vanode=0 name=anode vstep=0.3 vfinal=0.6
tonyplot IsPIN.log
extract init inf="IsPIN.log"
extract name="Jsc" max(curve(v."anode", i."cathode"))
extract name="JscmAcm2" $Jsc*1e08*1e03
extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."anode",i."cathode") where y.val=0.0
extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."anode",(v."anode" *i."cathode")))
extract name="Vm" x.val from curve(v."anode",(v."anode"*i."cathode") ) where y.val=$"Pm"
extract name="Im" $"Pm"/$"Vm"
extract name="FF" ($"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc"))*100
extract name="Eff" (1e8*$Pm/$Opt_int)*100
extract name="Power" curve(v."anode", (v."anode" * i."anode" *(-1))) outf="Power_a.dat"
tonyplot Power_a.dat
solve init
solve prev
solve prev b1=0
log outf=solar_0.log
solve b1=1 beam=1 lambda=0.2 wstep=0.02 wfinal=2.0
extract init inf="solar_0.log"
extract name="EQE1" curve(elect."optical wavelength", -(i."anode")/elect."source photo current") outf="EQE1.dat"
tonyplot EQE1.dat
telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)
sorry for older one this is new one
sorry for older one this is new one
silvaco code:- go atlas mesh space.mult=0.01 # x.mesh loc=0 spac=.005 x.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005 x.mesh loc=.01 spac=.005 x.mesh loc=.03 sp...
go atlas mesh space.mult=1 x.m l=0 s=0.5 x.m l=10 s=0.5 x.m l=15 s=0.5 x.m l=20 s=0.5 x.m l=30 s=0.5 y.m l=-0.03 s=0.01 y.m l=0 s=...