Sunday, August 28, 2022

MFIS finfet

go devedit simflags="-3d"

work.area x1=-0.01 y1=-0.01 x2=0.02 y2=0.045

region reg=1 mat=Silicon color=0xffcc00 pattern=0x4 z1=0.01 z2=0.09 \
polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"
constr.mesh region=1 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02

region reg=2 mat="Silicon Oxide" color=0xff pattern=0x2 z1=0.01 z2=0.09 \
polygon="0.013,0.015 0.01,0.015 0.01,0 0,0 0,0.015 -0.003,0.015 -0.003,-0.003 0.013,-0.003"
constr.mesh region=2 default max.height=0.001 max.width=0.01

region reg=3 name=gate mat=PolySilicon work.func=0 color=0xffff00 pattern=0x5 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \
polygon="0.0165,-0.0065 -0.0065,-0.0065 -0.0065,0.015 -0.01,0.015 -0.01,-0.01 0.02,-0.01 0.02,0.015 0.0165,0.015"
#polygon="0.013,-0.003 -0.003,-0.003 -0.003,0.015 -0.01,0.015 -0.01,-0.01 0.02,-0.01 0.02,0.015 0.013,0.015"
constr.mesh region=3 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02

region reg=4 mat="Silicon Oxide" color=0xff pattern=0x2 z1=0 z2=0.1 \
polygon="-0.01,0.015 -0.003,0.015 0,0.015 0.01,0.015 0.013,0.015 0.02,0.015 0.02,0.045 -0.01,0.045"
constr.mesh region=4 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02

region reg=5 name=drain mat=Aluminum work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0 z2=0.01 \
polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"
constr.mesh region=5 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02

region reg=6 name=source mat=Aluminum work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0.09 z2=0.1 \
polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"
constr.mesh region=6 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02

region reg=7 name=ferric material=HFO2 work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x5 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \
polygon="0.013,-0.003 -0.003,-0.003 -0.003,0.015 -0.0065,0.015 -0.0065,-0.0065 0.0165,-0.0065 0.0165,0.015 0.013,0.015"
constr.mesh region=3 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.001

# Set Meshing Parameters
base.mesh height=0.01 width=0.005
bound.cond !apply max.slope=28 max.ratio=300 rnd.unit=0.0001 line.straightening=1 align.points when=automatic
imp.refine min.spacing=0.02 z=0
constr.mesh max.angle=90 max.ratio=300 max.height=10000 \
max.width=10000 min.height=0.0001 min.width=0.0001
constr.mesh type=Semiconductor default
constr.mesh type=Insulator default
constr.mesh type=Metal default
constr.mesh type=Other default

Mesh Mode=MeshBuild

z.plane z=0 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.005 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.01 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.012 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0167 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0233 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0267 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.030 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0315 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.033 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.035 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.041 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.047 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.053 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.059 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.065 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.067 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0685 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.070 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0733 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0767 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.0833 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.088 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.090 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.095 spacing=0.1
z.plane z=0.100 spacing=0.1

z.plane max.spacing=1000000 max.ratio=1.5

structure outf=ncfinfet_0.str
tonyplot3d ncfinfet_0.str

go atlas 

electrode name=bulk bottom

doping num=1 n.type uniform conc=1e19 reg=1

material material=Silicon eg300=1.1 affinity=4.05 permitti=11.9 
material material=SiO2  mun0=20.0 mup0=1.0e-5


contact   name=gate p.poly workfunction=5.1
contact   name=drain workfunction=4.1
contact   name=source workfunction=4.1


method autonr gummel maxtrap=5

solve init
solve vdrain=0.01
solve vdrain=0.05
solve vdrain=0.1

log outf=ncfinfet.log
solve  vgate=0 name=gate vstep=0.05 vfinal=1.1
log off

output  band.temp band.par
save outf=ncfinfet_1.str master

tonyplot ncfinfet.log 
tonyplot3d ncfinfet_1.str 

extract name="subvt" 1.0/slope(maxslope(curve(v."gate",log10(abs(i."drain")))))
extract name="Ioff_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=0
extract name="Ion_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=1.0



Monday, August 22, 2022

i will upload more code in future

InGaN solar cell

 go atlas 

set temp=400

set ptype=1e15

set ntype=5e19

set thp=0.3

set thn=0.3

mesh auto


x.m loc=0 spac=.1

x.m loc=1 spac=.1


y.m loc=0 spac=.2

y.m loc=0.2 spac=.1

y.m loc=0.2+$thp spac=.1

y.m loc=0.2+$thp+$thn spac=.1


region num=1 mat=air x.min=0 y.min=0

region num=2 mat=ITO x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0 y.max=0.2

region num=3 material=InGaN x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.2 y.max=0.2+$thp acceptor=$ptype

region num=4 material=InGaN x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.2+$thp y.max=0.2+$thp+$thn donor=$ntype


electrode num=1 name=anode x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0 y.max=0.2 mat=ITO

electrode num=2 name=cathode x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.2+$thp+$thn y.max=0.2+$thp+$thn material=InGaN 



material material=air real.index=1 imag.index=0

material material=ITO eg300=3.5 affinity=2.3 permittivity=9  NC300=5e17 NV300=5e17 MUN=30 MUP=5 sopra=Ito2.nk taun0=1e-9 taup0=1e-9

material mat=InGaN EG300=1.39 PERMITTIVITY=12.8 AFFINITY=5.4 MUN0=1250 MUP0=650  NC300=5e17 NV300=5e17 taup0=1e-9 taun0=1e-9 



beam num=1 am1.5g x.origin=0.0 y.origin=-2.0 angle=90.0 tr.mat  

contact name=anode SURF.REC VSURFN=1e3 VSURFP=1e3 

contact name=cathode SURF.REC VSURFN=1e3 VSURFP=1e3 

models srh fermi ni.fermi auger optr print 

method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10 itlimit=40


solve init 

solve b1=0.001

solve b1=0.01

solve b1=0.1

solve b1=1


log outf=cd.log

solve lambda=0.3 wstep=0.01 wfinal=1.1

log off

extract init infile="cd.log"

extract name="EQE2" curve(elect."optical wavelength",-(i."anode")/elect."source photo current"*) outf="EQE01_1.dat" 

tonyplot cd.dat


Sunday, August 21, 2022



go devedit simflags="-3d"

work.area x1=-0.0135 y1=-0.0135 x2=0.0235 y2=0.045



region reg=1 mat=Silicon color=0xffcc00 pattern=0x4 z1=0.01 z2=0.09 \

polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"

constr.mesh region=1 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



region reg=2 name=gate mat=Polysilicon work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \

polygon="-0.0135,0.015 -0.01,0.015 -0.01,-0.01 0.02,-0.01 0.02,0.015 0.0235,0.015 0.0235,-0.0135 -0.0135,-0.0135 -0.0135,0.015"

constr.mesh region=2 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



region reg=3 mat="Silicon Oxide" color=0xff pattern=0x2 z1=0.01 z2=0.09 \

polygon="0.013,0.015 0.01,0.015 0.01,0 0,0 0,0.015 -0.003,0.015 -0.003,-0.003 0.013,-0.003"

constr.mesh region=3 default max.height=0.001 max.width=0.001



region reg=4 name=ferric  mat=HfO2  work.func=0 color=0xffff00 pattern=0x5 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \

polygon="0.0165,-0.0065 -0.0065,-0.0065 -0.0065,0.015 -0.01,0.015 -0.01,-0.01 0.02,-0.01 0.02,0.015 0.0165,0.015"

constr.mesh region=4 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



region reg=5 mat="Silicon Oxide" color=0xff pattern=0x2 z1=0 z2=0.1 \

polygon="-0.0135,0.015 -0.003,0.015 0,0.015 0.01,0.015 0.013,0.015 0.0235,0.015 0.0235,0.045 -0.0135,0.045"

constr.mesh region=5 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



region reg=6 name=drain mat=Aluminum work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0 z2=0.01 \

polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"

constr.mesh region=6 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



region reg=7 name=source mat=Aluminum work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x7 z1=0.09 z2=0.1 \

polygon="0,0 0.01,0 0.01,0.015 0,0.015"

constr.mesh region=7 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



region reg=8  material=Polysilicon work.func=0 color=0xffc8c8 pattern=0x5 z1=0.035 z2=0.065 \

polygon="0.013,-0.003 -0.003,-0.003 -0.003,0.015 -0.0065,0.015 -0.0065,-0.0065 0.0165,-0.0065 0.0165,0.015 0.013,0.015"

constr.mesh region=8 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02



# Set Meshing Parameters


base.mesh height=0.01 width=0.005


bound.cond !apply max.slope=28 max.ratio=300 rnd.unit=0.0001 line.straightening=1 align.points when=automatic


imp.refine min.spacing=0.02 z=0


constr.mesh max.angle=90 max.ratio=300 max.height=10000 \

max.width=10000 min.height=0.0001 min.width=0.0001


constr.mesh type=Semiconductor default


constr.mesh type=Insulator default


constr.mesh type=Metal default


constr.mesh type=Other default


constr.mesh region=1 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02


constr.mesh region=2 default max.height=0.001 max.width=0.001


constr.mesh region=3 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02


constr.mesh region=4 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02


constr.mesh region=5 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02


constr.mesh region=6 default max.height=0.01 max.width=0.02

Mesh Mode=MeshBuild

z.plane z=0 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.005 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.01 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.012 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0167 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0233 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0267 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.030 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0315 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.033 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.035 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.041 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.047 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.053 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.059 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.065 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.067 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0685 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.070 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0733 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0767 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.0833 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.088 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.090 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.095 spacing=0.1

z.plane z=0.100 spacing=0.1

z.plane max.spacing=1000000 max.ratio=1.5

structure outf=ncfinfet_0.str

go atlas 

electrode name=bulk bottom

doping num=1 n.type uniform conc=1e18 reg=6

doping num=2 n.type uniform conc=1e18 reg=7

material material=Silicon eg300=1.1245 affinity=4.05 permitti=11.9 

material material=HFO2 ferro.eps=10.0

material material=Oxide eg300=8.05 affinity=1.00 permittivity=3.9  nc300=2.8e19 nv300=1.04e19


contact name=gate workf=5.1

model fermi bqp.n srh ferro hcte.el  evsatmod=0 fldmob print

method newton dvlimit=1.0 maxtrap=6 

solve init

solve vdrain=0.01

solve vdrain=0.05

solve vdrain=0.1

log outf=ncfinfet.log

solve vgate=0.0 name=gate vstep=0.1 vfinal=1.0

log off

output p.quantum band.temp band.par

save outf=ncfinfet_1.str master

tonyplot ncfinfet.log 

tonyplot3d ncfinfet_1.str -set ncfinfet_0.set

tonyplot3d ncfinfet_1.str -set ncfinfet_1.set

extract name="subvt" 1.0/slope(maxslope(curve(v."gate",log10(abs(i."drain")))))

extract name="Ioff_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=0

extract name="Ion_n" y.val from curve(v."gate",i."drain") where x.val=1



Sunday, July 24, 2022



go atlas

set mat=sio2

set vdrain=1.0

mesh space.mult=1.0


x.m l=0.00   s=0.5

x.m l=0.07   s=0.001

x.m l=0.075  s=0.0005

x.m l=0.1    s=0.0005

x.m l=0.11   s=0.001

x.m l=0.175  s=0.5


y.m l= 0.0    s=.005

y.m l= 0.001  s=0.001

y.m l= 0.0025 s=0.0005

y.m l= 0.0125 s=0.0005

y.m l= 0.014  s=0.001

y.m l= 0.015  s=.005


region num=1 x.min=0 y.min =0 mat= air

region num=2 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.075 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125 mat = silicon

region num=3 x.min=0.075 x.max=0.1 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125 mat = silicon

region num=4 x.min=0.1 x.max=0.175 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125 mat = silicon

region num=5 x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min= 0.001 y.max=0.0025 mat = $mat

region num=6 x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min= 0.0125 y.max=0.014 mat = $mat


electrode num=1 name= source x.min = 0 x.max=0 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125

electrode num=2 name= drain x.min=0.175 x.max=0.175 y.min=0.0025 y.max=0.0125

electrode num=3 name=gate x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.001

electrode num=4 name=gate2 x.min=0.07 x.max=0.11 y.min= 0.014 y.max=0.015


doping uniform conc =1E20 n.type region = 2

doping uniform conc =1E17 n.type region = 4

doping uniform conc =1E14 p.type region = 3


save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str


material material = silicon 


model conmob srh fldmob bgn fermi print


method newton trap maxtrap=5


contact name=gate workfun=4.8

contact name=gate2 workfun=4.8 common = gate

contact name=source

contact name=drain


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain = 0.1

solve vdrain = 0.2

solve vdrain = 0.3

solve vdrain = 0.6

solve vdrain = 1.0

solve vdrain = $vdrain

log outf=dgft.log

solve vgate=0 vstep=0.02 vfinal=2 name=gate

output band.param e.mobility ex.velocity ey.velocity e.velocity

tonyplot dgft.log

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Textured solar cell (Spectral response)


go athena


line x loc=0.00 spac=0.1

line x loc=0.25 spac=0.1

line x loc=0.50 spac=0.1

line x loc=0.75 spac=0.1

line x loc=1.0 spac=0.1

line x loc=1.25 spac=0.1

line x loc=1.5  spac=0.1

line x loc=1.75  spac=0.1

line x loc=2.0  spac=0.1

line x loc=2.125  spac=0.1


line y loc=0.00 spac=0.1

line y loc=4.00 spac=0.1

line y loc=8.00 spac=0.1

line y loc=12.00 spac=0.5

line y loc=20.00 spac=2.0 

line y loc=24.00 spac=2.0

# doped with phosphorous

init silicon c.phosphor=1.0e15 two.d orientation=100

#ecthing process

etch silicon start x=0 y=0

etch cont x=0.25 y=0

etch cont x=0.5 y=4

etch cont x=0.75 y=4

etch cont x=1 y=0

etch cont x=1.25 y=0

etch cont x=1.5 y=4

etch cont x=1.75 y=4

etch done x=2.0 y=0

struct mirror right

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str

go atlas

mesh infile=abc.str

electrode num=1 name=anode x.min=0.0 x.max=.25 top mat=silver

electrode num=2 name=anode x.min=1 x.max=1.25 top mat=silver

electrode num=3 name=anode x.min=2 x.max=2.25 top mat=silver

electrode num=4 name=anode x.min=3 x.max=3.25 top mat=silver

electrode num=5 name=anode x.min=4 x.max=4.25 top mat=silver

electrode num=6 name=cathode y.min=24 y.max=24  mat=silver

material material=silicon mun0=1000 mup0=500 eg300=2.0 taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-6 sopra=Si100_2.nk

beam num=1 am1.5g x.origin=0 y.origin=-1.0 angle=90 wavel.start=0.4 wavel.end=1 wavel.num=100 

mat taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-6


models conmob fldmob srh auger print

method  newton autonr trap

contact name=anode workfun=5.1

contact name=cathode 

solve init

solve b1=0.001

solve b1=0.01

solve b1=0.1

solve b1=1

log outf=iv.log

solve b1=1 lambda=0.3 wstep=0.01 wfinal=1.0 

log off

tonyplot  iv.log

extract init infile="iv.log"

extract name="EQE2" curve(elect."optical wavelength",-(i."anode")/elect."source photo current"*elect."Absorption") outf="EQE01_1.dat" 

tonyplot EQE01_1.dat

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

OFET(Also you can know how to use pentacene and poole frenkel mobility here)

 go atlas

mesh space.mult=1

x.m l=0 s=0.5

x.m l=10 s=0.5

x.m l=15 s=0.5

x.m l=20 s=0.5

x.m l=30 s=0.5

y.m l=-0.03 s=0.01

y.m l=0 s=0.005

y.m l=0.015 s=0.003

y.m l=0.03 s=0.005

y.m l=0.0325 s=0.001

y.m l=0.0357 s=0.001

y.m l=0.0557 s=0.0025

region num=1 material=Pentacene x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=-0.03 y.max=0.03 acceptor=7e17

region num=2 material=Al2O3 x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0.03 y.max=0.0357

electrode num=1 name=source x.max=10 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.03 material=Gold

electrode num=2 name=gate x.min=0 x.max=30 y.min=0.0357 y.max=0.0557 material=Aluminium

electrode num=3 name=drain x.min=20 y.min=0.00 y.max=0.03 material=Gold

material material=Pentacene eg300=2.8 nc300=1e21 nv300=1e21 permittivity=4.0

material material=Al2O3 permittivity=4.5


mobility region=1 deltaep.pfmob=0.0179 betap.pfmob=7.75e-5 mun=5e-5 mup=0.85


models conmob srh fermi print

models region=1 pfmob.p


method newton autonr trap


contact name=gate workfun=4.6

contact name=source workfun=5.1

contact name=drain workfun=5.1


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain=2.5

log outf=abc0.log

solve vgate=-20 name=gate vstep=1 vfinal=20

tonyplot abc0.log

output band.param

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Tunnel field effect transistor -VTFET

go atlas

mesh auto


x.mesh loc=0 spac=0.1

x.mesh loc=.002 spac=.001

x.mesh loc=.004 spac=.001

x.mesh loc=.005 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.007 spac=.0001

x.mesh loc=.017 spac=.0001

x.mesh loc=.019 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.020 spac=.001

x.mesh loc=.022 spac=.001

x.mesh loc=.024 spac=0.1


y.mesh loc=0 spac=.005

y.mesh loc=.010 spac=.001

y.mesh loc=.018 spac=.001

y.mesh loc=.022 spac=.001

y.mesh loc=.040 spac=.0001

y.mesh loc=.042 spac=.0001

y.mesh loc=.060 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.061 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.079 spac=.005


region num=1 material=air x.min=0 y.min=0 

region num=2 material=silicon x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=.001 y.max=.021 

region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=.021 y.max=.041 

region num=4 material=silicon x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=.041 y.max=.061 

region num=5 material=silicon x.min=0 x.max=.024 y.min=.061 y.max=.081

region num=6 material=hfo2 x.min=0.005 x.max=.007 y.min=.021 y.max=.041

region num=7 material=hfo2 x.min=0.017 x.max=.019 y.min=.021 y.max=.041


qtx.mesh loc=0.005 spac=0.01

qtx.mesh loc=0.020 spac=0.001

qtx.mesh loc=0.019 spac=0.001

qtx.mesh loc=0.022 spac=0.01


qty.mesh loc=0.002 spac=0.005

qty.mesh loc=0.003 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.045 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.055 spac=0.0005


electrode name=gate x.min=.003 x.max=.005 y.min=.021 y.max=.041

electrode name=gate2 x.min=.019 x.max=.021 y.min=.021 y.max=.041 

electrode name=source x.min=.007 x.max=.017 y.min=0 y.max=0.001 

electrode name=drain x.min=0 x.max=.007 y.min=0.059 y.max=0.061 

electrode name=drain2 x.min=.017 x.max=.024 y.min=0.059 y.max=0.061 


material material=silicon me.tunnel=.24 mh.tunnel=.20 


doping uniform p.type conc=2e19 reg=2

doping uniform p.type conc=5e16 reg=3

doping uniform n.type conc=5e18 reg=4


models bbt.nonlocal qtunn.dir=0 bgn srh ni.fermi conmob cvt print temp=300


contact name=gate workfun=4.2

contact name=gate2 workfun=4.2 common=gate

contact name=source 

contact name=drain 

contact name=drain2  common=drain

save outf= abc.str

tonyplot abc.str



method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain=0.1

solve vdrain=0.5

solve vgate=-.3

solve vgate=-.2

log outf=tfet.log 

solve name=gate vgate=-0.2 vstep=0.05 vfinal=2.0

tonyplot tfet.log 

output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction 

save outf= abc.str

tonyplot abc.str



Sunday, March 6, 2022

Amorphous solar cell


go atlas

mesh auto


x.mesh loc=0.0 spacing=0.1

x.mesh loc=1.0 spacing=0.1

region material=Silicon bot ny=50 thick=0.5


elec num=1 name=anode y.max=0.05 material=ITO

elec num=2 name=cathode y.min=0.45 y.max=0.5 material=Ito

doping uniform conc=1e12 n.type

doping gaus peak=0.05 char=0.01 conc=1e16 p.type dir=y

doping gaus peak=0.45 char=0.01 conc=1e16 n.type dir=y

material mat=Silicon mun=20 mup=1.5 nc300=2.5e18 nv300=1.9e19 eg300=1.9

defects mat=silicon nta=1.e19 ntd=1.e19 wta=0.033 wtd=0.049 \

nga=1.5e15 ngd=1.5e15 ega=0.62 egd=0.78 wga=0.15 wgd=0.15 \

sigtae=1.e-16 sigtah=1.e-15 sigtde=1.e-15 sigtdh=1.e-16 \

siggae=2.e-16 siggah=2.e-15 siggde=2.e-15 siggdh=2.e-16 \


material mat=ITO sopra=Ito2.nk

models srh auger fermi ni.fermi conmob print

method newton trap

beam num=1 am1.5g x.o=0 y.o=-1.0 angle=90 tr.mat

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str

solve init

solve b1=1.0

log outf=abc.log

solve vanode=0.0 name=anode vstep=0.01 vfinal=1.2

tonyplot abc.log

extract init infile="abc.log"

extract name="Jsc" max(curve(v."anode", i."cathode")) outf="I.log"

extract name="JscmAcm2" $Jsc*1e08*1e03 outf="J.dat"

extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."anode",i."cathode") where y.val=0.0 outf="V.dat"

extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."anode", (v."anode" *i."cathode"*(-1))))

extract name="FF" ($"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc"))*100

extract name="Opt_int" max(beam."1")

extract name="Eff" (1e8*$Pm/$Opt_int)*100 outf="E.dat"



pervoskite solar cell

All the contents are free

 silvaco code:-

go atlas

mesh space.mult=1

x.m l=0.0 s=.05

x.m l=1.0 s=.05

y.m l=0 s=0.01

y.m l=0.135 s=.01

y.m l=0.455 s=.02

y.m l=0.525 s=.02

y.m l=0.550 s=.1          

region num=1 mat=air x.min=0 y.min=0

region num=2 mat=ITO x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0 y.max=0.055

region num=3 user.material=NiO x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0.055 y.max=0.135

region num=4 user.material=pervoskite x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=.135 y.max=.455

region num=5 material=ZnO x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=.455 y.max=0.525

elec num=1 name=anode x.min=0.0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0 y.max=0.055 mat=ITO

elec num=2 name=cathode x.min=0 x.max=1.0 y.min=0.525 y.max=0.550 mat=aluminium

doping uniform p.type conc=2e16 reg=2   

doping uniform p.type conc=5.6e16 reg=3

doping uniform n.type conc=1e15 reg=4

doping uniform n.type conc=1e16 reg=5

material material=air real.index=1.0 imag.index=0

material material=ITO eg300=3.5 affinity=2.3 permittivity=9 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=30 MUP=5 sopra=Ito2.nk taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7

material material=NiO eg300=3.5 affinity=2.2 permittivity=9 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=4.7 MUP=4.7 \ user.default=sio2 sopra=Tio2b.nk taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7

material name=pervoskite eg300=1.55 affinity=3.93 permittivity=10.0 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=2 MUP=2 sopra=pervoskite.nk taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7 \ user.default=GaN

material material=ZnO eg300=3.2 affinity=4 permittivity=8.5 NC300=2.2e18 NV300=1.8e19 MUN=100 MUP=30 sopra=ito2.nk \

taun0=1e-7 taup0=1e-7


save outf= struc.str

tonyplot struc.str

beam num=1 am1.5g x.o=0 y.o=-1 angle=90 

models srh fermi ni.fermi optr auger bgn print

method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10

output band.par e.mobility e.velocity

contact name=anode workf=5.75

contact name=cathode reflect=0.5 workf=4.7

solve init

solve prev

solve b1=1

log outf=illumination.log

solve name=anode vanode=0 vstep=0.01 vfinal=0.6

log off

tonyplot illumination.log

extract init infile="illumination.log"

extract name="Jsc" max(curve(v."anode", i."cathode")) outf="I.log"

extract name="JscmAcm2" $Jsc*1e08*1e03 outf="J.dat"

extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."anode",i."cathode") where y.val=0.0 outf="V.dat"

extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."anode", (v."anode" *i."cathode"*(-1))))

extract name="FF" ($"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc"))*100

extract name="Opt_int" max(beam."1")

extract name="Eff" (1e8*$Pm/$Opt_int)*100 outf="E.dat"

extract name="Power" curve(v."anode", (v."anode" * i."anode" *(-1))) outf="P.dat"



Sunday, January 23, 2022

heterojunction bipolar transistor


go atlas

mesh  space.mult=1.0

x.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.25

x.mesh loc=2.00 spac=0.25

x.mesh loc=3.00 spac=0.2

x.mesh loc=4.00 spac=0.2


y.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.03

y.mesh loc=0.15 spac=0.005

y.mesh loc=0.20 spac=0.015

y.mesh loc=0.25 spac=0.01

y.mesh loc=0.50 spac=0.05

y.mesh loc=0.75 spac=0.01

y.mesh loc=0.90 spac=0.03



region num=1 material=GaAs y.min=0.75

region num=2 material=GaAs y.min=0.25 y.max=0.75

region num=3 material=AlGaAs y.max=0.0 x.comp=0.3 \


region num=4 material=GaAs y.min=0.15 y.max=0.25  

region num=5 material=SiO2 y.max=0.15 x.max=3.0


elec num=1  name=emitter x.min=3.0 x.max=4.0 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0

elec num=2  name=base    x.min=0.0 x.max=2.0 y.min=0.15 y.max=0.15

elec num=3  name=collector bot 


doping uniform region=1 n.type conc=2.e17

doping uniform region=2 n.type conc=5.e16

doping uniform region=3 n.type conc=2.e17

doping uniform region=4 p.type conc=2.e18


material taun0=1.e-9 taup0=1.e-9 

material material=AlGaAs mun=2200 mup=350 

model  srh fldmob   print  optr  

model material=GaAs conmob evsatmod=1 


solve init

save outf=hbt.str

tonyplot  hbt.str 

method gummel newton trap 


solve local vcollector=2.0

log outf=hbt.log 

solve vbase=0.025

solve vbase=0.1

method  newton  autonr trap itlim=50

solve vbase=0.2 vstep=0.1 name=base vfinal=1.4

solve vbase=1.45 vstep=0.025 name=base vfinal=1.5

tonyplot hbt.log 



Thursday, January 13, 2022

PIN photodiode

go atlas

mesh space.mult=4.0


x.mesh loc=0.0 spacing=0.25

x.mesh loc=10.0 spacing=0.25


y.mesh loc=0.0 spacing=0.05

y.mesh loc=5.0 spacing=0.2

y.mesh loc=10.0 spacing=0.05



region num=1 material=Silicon


elec num=1 name=anode x.min=0.0 x.max=10.0 y.max=0.0

elec num=2 name=cathode bottom


doping uniform conc=1e14 n.type

doping gaus peak=0.0 char=0.1 conc=1e18 p.type dir=y

doping gaus peak=10.0 char=0.1 conc=1e18 n.type dir=y



material taup0=2.e-6 taun0=2.e-6

models srh auger conmob fldmob



save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str



beam num=1 x.origin=5.0 y.origin=-1.0 angle=90.0 wavelength=.1


method newton trap

solve init

solve vcathode=0.2



log outf=abc.log master

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.1

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.2

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.3

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.4

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.5

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.6

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.7

solve prev b1=1 lambda=0.8

tonyplot abc.log



Friday, December 31, 2021

single-active-layer TFT

silvaco code:-

go atlas

mesh width=100 outf=tft_IGZO.str

x.m l=0 s=1

x.m l=4 s=0.1

x.m l=26 s=0.1

x.m l=30 s=1


y.m l=0 s=0.002 

y.m l=0.03 s=0.0005 

y.m l=0.13 s=0.010


region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0.000 y.max=0.030

region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.030 y.max=0.130


elec num=1 name=gate bottom

elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5

elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=25 x.max=30


contact num=1 p.poly

contact num=2 workf=4.16

contact num=3 workf=4.16


material region=1 eg300=3.20 mun=15 affinity=4.16 permit=10 nc300=5e18 nv300=3e19

models fermi print


defects nta=1.21e20 ntd=1.55e20 wta=0.030 wtd=0.110 \

ngd=1e16 egd=2.95 wgd=0.1 \

nga=3.2e17 ega=2.0 wga=0.1 \

dfile=IGZO_bulk_don.dat afile=IGZO_bulk_acc.dat continuous numa=200 numd=200


intdefects intnumber=1/2 nta=0 ntd=0 wta=0 wtd=0 \

ngd=6.0e11 egd=2.95 wgd=0.1 nga=0 ega=0 wga=0 \

dfile=IGZO_int_don.dat afile=IGZO_int_acc.dat continuous numa=200 numd=200



probe name=my_fermi_front x=15 y=0.0298 QFN

probe name=my_con_front x=15 y=0.0298 CON.BAND

probe name=my_con_back x=15 y=0.0 CON.BAND


solve init 

save outf=tftIGZO_init.str


solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.1 vfinal=0.5 name=drain

save outf=tftIGZO_D05V.str

tonyplot tftIGZO_D05V.str


log outf=tftIGZO_neg.log

solve vgate=0 vstep=-0.1 vfinal=-5 name=gate

solve vstep=-0.2 vfinal=-10 name=gate

tonyplot tftIGZO_neg.log


save outf=tftIGZO_negG10V.str

log off

load inf=tftIGZO_D05V.str master

solve prev

log outf=tftIGZO_pos.log

solve vstep=0.1 vfinal=5 name=gate

solve vstep=0.2 vfinal=20 name=gate

tonyplot tftIGZO_neg.log

log off




go atlas 

mesh width=100 outf=tft_BIO.str 

x.m l=0 s=1

x.m l=4 s=0.1

x.m l=26 s=0.1

x.m l=30 s=1


y.m l=0 s=0.01

y.m l=0.05 s=0.01

y.m l=0.15 s=0.50


region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0 y.max=0.05

region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.05 y.max=0.15



elec num=1 name=gate bottom

elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5

elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=25 x.max=30


contact num=1 p.poly

contact num=2 workf=4.16

contact num=3 workf=4.16


material material=igzo eg300=3.2 mun=12 

models fermi print


defects nta=4e20 ntd=1.55e20 wta=0.057 wtd=0.110 \

ngd=4e18 egd=3.00 wgd=0.14 \

nga=5.57e18 ega=2.0 wga=0.14 \

sigtae=1e-15 sigtah=1e-15 sigtde=1e-15 sigtdh=1e-15 \

siggae=1e-15 siggah=1e-15 siggde=1e-15 siggdh=1e-15 \

dfile=BIO_don.dat afile=BIO_acc.dat continuous numa=200 numd=200


solve init

solve vdrain=0.1

save outf=tft_BIO_D01V.str

tonyplot tft_BIO_D01V.str


log outf=tft_BIO_neg.log

solve vgate=0 vstep=-.5 vfinal=-10 name=gate

log off

load inf=tft_BIO_D01V.str master

solve prev

log outf=tft_BIO_pos.log

solve vstep=1 vfinal=30 name=gate

log off


tonyplot tft_BIO_neg.log -overlay tft_BIO_pos.log



Monday, December 20, 2021

high-k gate dielectric MISFET

 silvaco tcad:

go atlas


mesh auto

x.m l=0.00 s=0.1

x.m l=0.8 s=0.05

x.m l=1.3 s=0.1

x.m l=1.8 s=0.05

x.m l=2.6 s=0.1


y.m l=-0.004888 s=0.001

y.m l=0.0 s=0.001

y.m l=0.1 s=0.025

y.m l=1 s=0.2


region num=1 y.min=0 y.max=1 silicon

region num=2 y.max=0 material=HfO2

electrode name=gate x.min=0.6 x.max=2.0 y.max=-0.004888

electrode name=source x.max=0.5 y.min=0 y.max=0

electrode name=drain x.min=2.1 y.min=0 y.max=0

electrode substrate 

doping uniform conc=4e15 p.type

doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 char=0.075 lat.char=0.05 reg=1 x.r=0.6

doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 char=0.075 lat.char=0.05 reg=1 x.l=2



contact name=gate aluminum


mobility rps.n rps.p mun0=5000


method newton trap carriers=2


solve init

solve vdrain=0.1


save outf=high.str

probe name=Eperp x=1.3 y=0.0001 dir=90 field

probe name=charge x.min=1.1 x.max=1.5 n.conc integrate y.min=0 y.max=0.2


log outf=highk.log

solve vstep=0.01 name=gate vfinal=2.0


tonyplot highk.log

tonyplot high.str





DGMOSFET(double gate MOSFET)

go atlas

mesh space.mult=1.0


x.m l=0.00 s=0.05

x.m l=0.001 s=0.001

x.m l=0.003 s=0.0005

x.m l=0.013 s=0.0005

x.m l=0.015 s=0.001

x.m l=0.016 s=0.05


y.m l= 0.0 s=.005

y.m l= 0.001 s=0.0005

y.m l= 0.003 s=0.00005

y.m l= 0.007 s=0.00005

y.m l= 0.009 s=0.0005

y.m l= 0.010 s=.005


region num=1 x.min=0 y.min =0 mat= air

region num=2 x.min=0.0 x.max=0.003 y.min= 0.003 y.max=0.007 mat = silicon

region num=3 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.003 y.max=0.007 mat = silicon

region num=4 x.min=0.013 x.max=0.016 y.min= 0.003 y.max=0.007 mat = silicon

region num=5 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.001 y.max=0.003 mat = sio2

region num=6 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.007 y.max=0.009 mat = sio2


electrode num=1 name= source x.min = 0 x.max=0 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.007

electrode num=2 name= drain x.min = 0.013 x.max=0.013 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.007

electrode num=3 name=gate x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.001

electrode num=4 name=gate2 x.min=0.003 x.max=0.013 y.min= 0.009 y.max=0.010


doping uniform conc =2E20 n.type region = 2

doping uniform conc =2E20 n.type region = 4

doping uniform conc =1E18 p.type region = 3


#material material = sio2

material material = silicon EG300=1.08 NC300=2.8e19 NV300=1.04e19 PERMITTIVITY=11.8 MUN=2360 AFFINITY=4.284


model conmob srh fldmob bgn fermi print


method newton trap maxtrap=5


contact name = gate workfun = 4.6

contact name = gate2 workfun = 4.6 common = gate

contact name = source

contact name = drain


solve init

solve prev

solve vgate = 0.1

solve vgate = 0.2

solve vgate = 0.3

solve vgate = 0.6

solve vgate = 0.8

log outf = dgft.log

solve vdrain = 0 vstep = 0.01 vfinal = 0.7 name = drain

output band.param e.mobility ex.velocity ey.velocity e.velocity

tonyplot dgft.log

save outf=abc.str

tonyplot abc.str



Saturday, November 20, 2021

TFET(Basic structure)

 silvaco code:-

go atlas

mesh space.mult=0.01


x.mesh loc=0 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.01 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.03 spac=.005

x.mesh loc=.039 spac=.0005

x.mesh loc=.040 spac=.005


y.mesh loc=0 spac=.00005

y.mesh loc=.001 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.003 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.013 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.015 spac=.0005

y.mesh loc=.016 spac=.00005

# region

region num=1 material=air x.min=0 y.min=0

region num=2 material=silicon x.min=0.001 x.max=.01 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

region num=3 material=silicon x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

region num=4 material=silicon x.min=.03 x.max=.039 y.min=.003 y.max=.013

region num=5 material=HfO2 x.min=0.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.001 y.max=.003

region num=6 material=HfO2 x.min=0.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.013 y.max=.015


qtx.mesh loc=0.002 spac=0.001

qtx.mesh loc=0.01 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.024 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.03 spac=0.0005

qtx.mesh loc=0.035 spac=0.001

qty.mesh loc=0.00 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.0022 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.003 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.008 spac=0.0005

qty.mesh loc=0.012 spac=0.005


electrode name=gate x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=0 y.max=.001 mat=aluminium

electrode name=gate2 x.min=.01 x.max=.03 y.min=.015 y.max=.016 mat=aluminium

electrode name=drain x.min=0 x.max=0.001 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013

electrode name=source x.min=.039 x.max=.04 y.min=0.003 y.max=0.013


MATERIAL MATERIAL=silicon me.tunnel=.44 mh.tunnel=.52 NC300=1e17 NV300=1e17

material material=hfo2 permittivity=22


doping uniform conc=1e20 reg=2

doping uniform conc=5e18 reg=4


contact name=gate workfun=4.5

contact name=gate2 workfun=4.5 common=gate

contact name=drain workfun=3.9

contact name=source workfun=5.93

save outf=tfet.str

tonyplot tfet.str


models bbt.nonlocal bbt.forward bgn srh auger conmob fldmob cvt print


output qfn qfp e.field j.electron j.hole j.conduction


method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10


solve init

solve prev

solve vdrain=0.0

solve vdrain=0.01

solve vdrain=0.02

solve vdrain=0.03

solve vdrain=0.04

solve vdrain=0.05

log outf=tfet.log

solve name=gate vgate=0 vstep=0.05 vfinal=1.5

tonyplot tfet.log



Thursday, October 21, 2021

(updated) quantum well solar cell (improved)


go atlas

mesh auto


x.mesh loc=0 s=1

x.mesh loc=400 s=1


y.mesh loc=0 s=.1

y.mesh loc=0.5 s=.1

y.mesh loc=1.5 s=.1

y.mesh loc=2.0 s=.1

y.mesh loc=2.3 s=.1


region num=1 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=0 y.max=0.5 acceptor=5e18

region num=2 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=.5 y.max=1.5

region num=3 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=1.50 y.max=2.0 donor=5e18

region num=4 material=Si x.min=0 x.max=400 y.min=2.0 y.max=2.3 donor=5e18


electrode name=anode top

electrode name=cathode bottom


material material=Si EG300=1.1 PERMITTIVITY=11.8 AFFINITY=4.07 MUN=1000 MUP=500 NC300=2.8e19 taun0=1e-6 taup0=1e-6 NV300=1.04e19 sopra=Si111.nk


doping n.type uniform region=4 resisti=0.05


save outf=usPIN.str

tonyplot usPIN.str

beam num=1 x.o=100 y.o=-2 angle=90 power.file=C:/sedatools/examples/solar/solarex01.spec



models conmob fermi optr consrh print

method newton autonr trap maxtrap=10


contact name=anode

contact name=cathode



solve init

solve prev

solve b1=1e-02

solve b1=1e-01

solve b1=1


log outf=IsPIN.log

solve vanode=0 name=anode vstep=0.3 vfinal=0.6

tonyplot IsPIN.log


extract init inf="IsPIN.log"

extract name="Jsc" max(curve(v."anode", i."cathode"))

extract name="JscmAcm2" $Jsc*1e08*1e03

extract name="Voc" x.val from curve(v."anode",i."cathode") where y.val=0.0

extract name="Pm" max(curve(v."anode",(v."anode" *i."cathode")))

extract name="Vm" x.val from curve(v."anode",(v."anode"*i."cathode") ) where y.val=$"Pm"

extract name="Im" $"Pm"/$"Vm"

extract name="FF" ($"Pm"/($"Jsc"*$"Voc"))*100

extract name="Eff" (1e8*$Pm/$Opt_int)*100

extract name="Power" curve(v."anode", (v."anode" * i."anode" *(-1))) outf="Power_a.dat"

tonyplot Power_a.dat

solve init

solve prev

solve prev b1=0

log outf=solar_0.log

solve b1=1 beam=1 lambda=0.2 wstep=0.02 wfinal=2.0

extract init inf="solar_0.log"

extract name="EQE1" curve(elect."optical wavelength", -(i."anode")/elect."source photo current") outf="EQE1.dat"

tonyplot EQE1.dat



telegram me at if you need any help (sorry for older one this is new one)

 sorry for older one this is new one